Abridged Minutes:
- Sabrina Monteith, our new RDOS Area I Director, attended our board meeting.
- ARGO stakeholder meeting is on Nov. 14. Jenny A. will attend, as will Subrina.
- Forestry committee update:
- Provincial government tabled Bill 49 which changed how resource professional associations are regulated and governed by the gov’t. This was in response to the recommendations from the Professional Reliance Report earlier this year. This change is only in response to the 1st two recommendations of the report’s 121 recommendations. It will not have any immediate impact on Apex residents, but in the long term looks to be a significant improvement on government oversight of the professional associations involved in natural resource management.
- Peachland is a test case for a substantial industry, government, First Nation cooperative effort at wildfire risk reduction. The process involved selective logging by Gormans (reducing fuel load but leaving the large fire-resistant trees), then a prescribed burn managed by First Nations and funded by provincial gov’t, then replanting with deciduous trees (which are far less fire prone than conifers). Sabrina and John Davies (wildfire consultant for RDOS) will look into the possibility of having more wildfire work done at Apex.
- Social committee – Dec. 8th will be the date for APOA’s 2018-2019 Season Opener Social at the hotel at Apex
- Sabrina Monteith update:
- Some movement on the transfer station. Public information should be available.
- Sabina is looking for an Apex person to sit on the district land use planning counsel. APOA recommended various names, Subrina will follow up with them.
- Sabina is going to start an Apex Residents Facebook page. This will be a property owner’s only page used for enhancing RDOS-Apex Resident communications.
- Sabina also emphasized that “RDOS is complaint driven”, so if something is not right — noise, snow clearing, etc. — the best way of getting results is by contacting the RDOS (e.g. bylaw enforcement) and describe the issue.
- After much discussion it was decided to remove the strata membership option and have only individual property owner memberships. The strata option has caused a fair bit of confusion among the membership, and most importantly has turned out to be overly complex and time consuming to keep track of. The board feels the $30 per household APOA membership fee is extremely affordable, and likely is not a deterrent for joining APOA. We’ll explore implementing an eTransfer option for paying the $30 to make it simpler for owners to join.
- Next APOA Board meeting is on November 29th