In attendance: Arnie, Barry, Diane, Jeff, Liz, Subrina.
- Season opening social is being catered at Apex Mountain Inn by Chad and Colin (Edge Bistro)
- Diane will ask Mike Dugan, James Shalman, Tricia Wilson (new Nickel Plate GM), Apex Fire Brigade rep. to attend.
- Subrina will give RDOS update
(Note: The social had to be pushed out one week and Subrina has a previous commitment. She will provide an RDOS update to read at the social. ) - Jeff will do a forestry committee update
- Enhancing our presence
- Subrina’s Facebook page has been set up, has been shared with “official” Apex village Facebook page
- Jeff will put board meeting minutes summary on website after each board meeting.
- Treasurers report
- $40 spent for website and domain.
- Will set up ability to use e-transfer to pay for APOA membership
- Road report – Subrina attended Argo meeting with Jenny and provided the report
- Argo will start prioritizing Apex roads before road to Nickel Plate (e.g. so school kids can get to school bus)
- Argo will start towing cars parked on road
- Jenny asked them to be proactive rather than reactive when snow is forecast.
- Forestry committee report
- Subrina to arrange Linda Larson, Subrina, APOA meeting
- After meeting, Jeff to call a forestry committee meeting to discuss and plan next steps
- Potential topics for discussion at upcoming meetings with area MLAs Dan Ashton & Linda Larson:
- Forestry
- Proposal to expand Nickel Plate Park
- Jurisdiction and protection of riparian areas within village
- Hazard of sleds on roadways, noise of sleds on roads, in valleys near Apex
- Subrina’s RDOS update:
- Still no official update on transfer station
- Wildfire protection is in top 5 of RDOS director priorities
- Diesel has joined Area I planning committee for land use and planning variances.
- Sabrina is investigating the history of the transfer station funding and where the funding has been spent, and where the funding is at. Arnie expressed his concern that RDOS hasn’t been able to close this issue for many years.
- Subrina has asked RDOS staff to do a full zoning and bylaw review. She is looking to creating an approach to making bylaws more area specific.
- Next board meeting Sun Jan 13 at Apex.