Risk Profile Apex click on this link
The APOA through the RDOS is conducting an HRVA workshop for the Apex property area.
You might ask what is an HRVA and why are you doing this. HRVA stands for: Hazard Risk and Vulnerability Assessment. An HRVA is a systematic approach to identify hazards, evaluate risk and incorporate appropriate measures to manage and mitigate those risks.
There are 57 known hazards that are evaluated in this process, all the way from air crash to utilities failure and everything in between. If a situation arises, how to go about sounding the alarm and knowing what resources will begin to assist the situation.
The APOA, the voice of Apex property owners, wants to help better prepare the outdoor recreation area of Apex, its residents and recreational users how to approach different hazardous situations should they occur.We anticipate this plan would be available for viewing in early 2017 and will advise the membership by email. If you wish to participate in this workshop on Nov. 17, 2016 please email your contact details to APOAexec@gmail.com with HRVA in subject line.