AGM Minutes

Posted by: Johnny Smoke  /  Category: Archived Posts



Meeting was called to order at 2:30PM by President Julia Valenti in the Longshot Cafeteria at Apex Mountain Resort. 32 members present.


Motion by Rick Valenti, seconded by Walter Sobool to approve minutes as submitted. Motion carried.


4. INTRODUCTION OF RDOS AREA D DIRECTOR TOM SIDDON & CAMERON RE RECYCLING: Tom Siddon the new RDOS Director was introduced an spoke briefly. Cameron reported that Apex would be included in the recycling plan and that the APOA Board will be consulted re- garding the proposed transfer station. He circulated the waste transfer station survey results with 169 surveys returned from property owners. Survey on file

5. BOARD REPORTS: PRESIDENT: JULIA VALENTI Julia thanked members of the Board for their unique contributions and emphasized that the Board is ever striving to assure the effectiveness of our Association. She reported that:

1. She has initialized a “President’s Newsletter” posted on the APOA Website.

2. The Board has identified 3 areas to focus on for the coming season: a) Safety & crossing improvements to ski in/ski out at Creekview Crossing b) A comprehensive hill recycling service c) Inputting the Apex Resort Master Plan.

3. The production of the Valdy Concert at the Gunbarrel of which Valdy donated funds back to APOA and the Fire Brigade. The event shows promise as an annual event. She thanked John Matthews for his efficient webmaster duties, and Apex Mountain Resort for providing fine skiing through competent staff, grooming, equipment maintenance & upkeep of the village.

4. Myleen Mallach will be publishing “Apex Matters” for 2012/13 Season after a one year sabbatical.

5. The standing APOA board will be returning to their positions.

TREASURER: BARRY LEIGH Barry reported APOA accounts were moved from HSBC & Raymond James to Valley First Credit Union in November 2011. Balance of operating fund is $4119.28, and Rainy Day Term Deposit is $17,000. Report on file.

MEMBERSHIP: VICE PRESIDENT PHIL RATHJEN Phil is looking to the future to build our membership and asked for committed members to solve problems that arise. He read the APOA purpose & description of APOA.

CREEKVIEW CROSSING: PHIL RATHJEN: Phil explained a letter he has drafted to be sent to Highways & Resort management addressing the problematic Creekview/Strayhorse Crossing . Discussion ensued regarding possible solutions.

HIGHWAYS & ROADS: PHYLLIS MATTHEWS Phyllis reported the Apex road has been in good safe condition to and from the mountain. Some problems remain constant (runoff at Scout Corner which is stalled at RDOS level, sign visibility, snow removal on Whitetail) She will attend the post season meeting with ARGO.

6. CALL OF BOARD CANDIDATES TO STAND FOR ELECTION FOR 2012-2013 SEASON No nominations from the floor

7. ELECTION OF BOARD MEMBERS Standing Board was elected by acclimation. A discussion ensued with discussion points: 1) the lack of coverage by the local newspaper of Apex Alpine Resort’s activities and 2) destruction of terrain by motorized vehicles becoming very apparent.

MOTION: By Denis O’Gorman: “That APOA Board draft a letter on behalf of the organization to Andre Martin, General Manager of the Penticton Herald and member of the Okanagan Paper Group encouraging that the paper group actively incorporate reports on events at Apex Mountain Resort, especially involving pertinent items in the weekly outdoor recreation column authored by J.P. Squires.” SECONDED by Rick Valenti, Motion passed.

8. APEX FIRE BRIGADE UPDATE: GARY VOLLETT Gary reported fund raising has been adequate, equipment in good repair but membership is dwindling. He thanked Barret mines for contribution of the large ladder, John Davis and Apex Mountain Resort for their support.

MOTION: by Ron Mason “That the resolution of the Board to donate $1,000 to the Fire Brigade acted upon” SECONDED by Louisa Carter, Motion passed

9. RON MASON: TREE THINNING ON PROPERTIES Ron presented the case for owners to thin & limb pines up to 3 meters to reduce fire fuel.

10. APEX GENERAL MANAGER JAMES SHALMAN PRESENTATION: James presented power point on the season’s activities and participation by public, new socialnomic marketing strategy, crown land acquired, comparison skier visits to other ski areas and answered questions from the floor. Apex is performing better then other ski resorts in the region.

11. ADJOURN: Meeting adjourned at 4:45 PM

APOA Newsletter — April 10th 2012

Posted by: Johnny Smoke  /  Category: Archived Posts

This is the final newsletter for the season. The Board will have one more summer meeting to take care of any loose ends from 2011-12 and start up with meetings for 2012-2013 in December.

The Board and Executive remains the same as this past 2011-2012 season:

  • Julia Valenti–President
  • Phil Rathjen–Vice President
  • Suzie Anderson–Secretary
  • Barry Leigh–Treasurer
  • Board Members
    • Phyllis Matthews
    • Jane Drapeau
    • Geri Sobool
    • Steve La Prairie


Here are some highlights from our Apr. 3rd. Board meeting:

  1.  All of our Board meeting agendas will be posted on the APOA website in the 2012/13 season. This will allow members to input our discussions if so desired.
  2. Phil Rathjen has written a letter to the Ministry of Transportation, Argo, James Shalman and Tom Siddon about the dangerous situation at Creekview Crossing. In addition, he is meeting with someone from the Ministry to get resolute action towards rectifying this unacceptable interface between traffic and skiers/boarders.
  3. Geri Sobool has written general manager of the Herald Andre Martin about the fact that Apex is never given press in J.P. Squire’s weekend outdoors column. There has possibly been a long standing disagreement between Apex and the paper. We feel the APOA is in a position to express concern about this and hopefully Mr. Martin will request that Apex again submit press releases for publication in the weekly column. As property owners, we want Apex to thrive and mention in this column is important in bringing people to our hill.
  4. Geri Sobool will write a letter to the Gunbarrel expressing concerns the Board members have regarding the level of service, product and ambience at the establishment. As property owners, we want all village businesses to thrive as a healthy business community reflects our property values. We are not intending to criticise but rather express Board concerns that perhaps improvements could be forthcoming. Also included in this letter will be mention of the state of the cafeteria. As property owners, we want our village businesses to succeed. Please let us know your thoughts on this.
  5. Steve LaPrairie reported that the resort is again/still looking at some sort of bathroom facility at the Triple. He was encouraged by some Board members to make this a reality as it has been an ongoing issue for far too many years.
  6. A redesign of our APOA flyer will be done by Phil Rathjen, Jane Drapeau and Julia Valenti. The flyer will be sent out in the November water bills.
  7. Apex Mountain Resort is owned by:

    Ted Garnett
    Dean Garnett
    Brian Martin
    Bruce Martin
    Laurie Hoi
    Louise Burgart
    Larry Halbauer
    Steve LaPrairie

  8. Jane Drapeau will be working with our website manager John Matthews to redesign our membership form.
  9. As of Apr. 3rd., 48 members had renewed. Thank you to those that have. If you haven’t. PLEASE do so.

    Send a $25 check to:

    Box 23016
    Penticton, BC
    V2A 8K3

The next newsletter will be sent to paid members only.

Enjoy all of your off snow adventures.


Julia Valenti, President, APOA

APOA Newsletter March 2012

Posted by: Johnny Smoke  /  Category: Archived Posts

The APOA AGM was a disappointment for numbers in attendance—a little over 30, including the Executive and guest speakers, but a great meeting for information and sharing ideas amongst the very participatory attendees. Thank you to those who came—it was really appreciated.

Our Area D representative Tom Siddon fielded a number of questions and spoke about the 3 issues he sees as pertinent up here: The Fire Brigade, water and sewer and rezoning. He seems interested in whatever concerns were expressed and your Board will keep him in the APOA loop via our newsletters and will contact him regarding particular areas of concern the Board has identified. He is open to hearing from you so e-mail him at or call 250-492-0237. We anticipate a good working relationship with him.

President of the Fire Brigade Society Gary Vollet reported on their activities and that more members are needed as well as more equipment. It is imperative this group be active, trained and ready—they protect us and our properties so if you can serve, do. A number of members will be going to an intensive training in Oliver in May. The APOA voted at the meeting to give them $1000 towards whatever they deem it necessary to use it for.

APOA member Ron Mason spoke about the issue of so many trees standing around our properties and suggested we all take the responsibility to thin them out, limb them and clean up the forest floor debris around our cabins/houses. There is a fire break around the village but the village itself is the campfire. He has a good point. We all can certainly consider this and take steps to work on our properties—good supply of firewood at any rate for our wood stoves.

James Shalman did a power point on the resort past and present and fielded questions. He spoke about terrain additions and improvements, real estate, marketing strategies, summer maintenance upcoming and land the Resort recently acquired for residential development. The Resort has ongoing meetings with the P.I.B. to resolve issues concerning the Resort Master Plan but agreement has not been reached.

Board Reports were as follows:

  • Julia Valenti–President’s report
  • Phil Rathjen–Membership and Creekview Crossing
  • Phyllis Matthew–Argo
  • Road maintenance and Barry Leigh–Treasurer’s report.

PLEASE renew you memberships NOW for the 2012/2013 season. It makes our Treasurer’s job easier when the renewals come in at the end of the season and then the start of the next season has everyone paid up. Membership stands at around 80 which is low considering there are 600 or so properties here. But we are thankful for your support and even at this number, we DO have a voice that can and will be heard as necessary.

There will be on more newsletter sent after the Board meets for the final time this season and before the off season recess.


Until then,


Julia Valenti–President APOA

President’s Report – APOA A.G.M. Mar. 17th. 2012

Posted by: Johnny Smoke  /  Category: Archived Posts

Your Executive Board had a good season of productive meetings, most of them focused on how and in what areas of alpine lifestyle the Association can be most effective. Each year the Board’s modus operandi changes because new board members arrive and executive positions are shifted around. We set out at the beginning to find a way to be as effective as possible and I feel we accomplished that. Long time Board members are still serving— Phyllis Matthews remained our Argo roads rep., Phil Rathjen our membership coordinator, Suzie Anderson our efficient secretary, Steve La Prairie our valuable contact for Apex Resort viewpoints and information and Jane Drapeau our membership form printer and meeting focuser who keeps us on topic. I started the President’s newsletters this year. Newcomer Barry Leigh has kept up our membership lists and took on the position of Treasurer. Newcomer Geri Sobool has not yet had a chance to contribute because her husband Walter keeps making her take trips to California, the Southwest and Florida but we intend to put a stop to that next season and put her to work on Board business rather than continual Happy Hours.

We identified the 3 areas we want to focus on for next season: safety and crossing improvements to ski in/ski out Creekside Crossing, a comprehensive hill recycling service and inputting the Apex Resort Master Plan. We have encouraged Association members via the newsletters to get involved finding solutions to their various concerns by speaking to hill management and/or forming a committee to get done what they think needs getting done. For example, one area the Board identified this year as an area that needed attention were the picnic tables in the lunchroom. We brought it up at a board meeting to Steve LaPrairie that we would like to see them refurbished with fresh paint and a follow-up e-mail to Steve and James got the job done before the Christmas holiday season, including some artwork hung on the walls.

We produced one social event, the Valdy Concert March 3rd. A terrific dinner was offered by the Gunbarrel at great prices, Valdy put on an energetic, very entertaining show and the 110 attendees all had a fabulous time. Valdy generously donated money back to the APOA ( $260) and he also donated just about as much to the Fire Brigade. This once a year concert seems to be a good idea for us to take on and will be discussed with the new Executive. Teaming up with the Fire Brigade seems a good idea too.

We thank John Matthews for keeping our website current and more tweaking will be done to that to make it more comprehensive and user friendly.

Myleen Mallach has asked that I announce that Apex Matters will be back next season. She took this season off to spend more time with her family on the slopes but has recharged and is excited about coming back as our hill reporter. I for one sure missed her informative paper that kept us all in the loop of alpine happenings and look forward to reading it again through-out 2012/2013.

Your Board has made definitive organizational improvements this year and all of us are putting our helmets in the ring to serve another term. We welcome any of you to throw your helmet in the ring too when we have the election later on in this meeting.

Thank you to the Board members I have enjoyed serving with over the past 4 yrs. and thank you to Apex Mt. Resort for what it does to give us fab skiing with great grooming, the equipment maintainance , competent staff and continuing to upkeep the village . As a board member, I anticipate further effective board collaboration with management that will continue to improve our amenities and enjoyment of this unique alpine lifestyle we are all so fortunate to experience. Julia Valenti

Feb. 2012 Newsletter

Posted by: Johnny Smoke  /  Category: Archived Posts

Your Board met Thursday, Feb. 16th. for a lengthy 2 hrs, 45 minutes. Besides the usual Board reports and Roberts Rules housekeeping, APOA and Board concerns and direction were examined:

  1. What are the most important/least important concerns of the APOA?
  2. How does the Board address these concerns?
  3. What is the role of the APOA in the future context of resort development?
  4. What is the role of the APOA in the context of the resort as it is now?

APOA concerns—we had 4 responses from membership in regards to the letter that was e-mailed and is posted on our website, seeking feedback from the membership to the Board on issues membership would like the Board to take a look at:

  1. Dog droppings not picked up, no plastic bags provided to do so.
  2. Replace triple chair.
  3. Discount ticket prices when races are on because many runs are inaccessible.
  4. Marketing of the resort—do more.
  5. Ski in/out access from Creekside Crossing and around the hockey rink.
  6. A member volunteered to help Board/APOA

Apex Operations Manager Steve LaPrairie is a Board member and was able to address these members’ concerns from a resort perspective. Note that the ( ) indicate the writer’s comments, not Steve’s.

  1. Dog droppings—unless stratas, the Mt. Inn and the Hostel all develop a policy to inform property owners and guests about picking up after pets and also provide bags to do so, the resort cannot/will not address this issue either. ( It would seem a group effort is needed and leadership provided. This is not coming from the resort. The APOA Board has decided it is not an issue the Board should be handling. It CAN be taken on by community members who would be willing to develop a committee which would develop a plan to contact all necessary parties and find a solution. Or, those bothered by the droppings can speak with G.M. James Shalman about it, as a group or individually, and see if the resort could be encouraged to take the lead in solution finding).
  2. Triple chair replacement/discount ticket prices—while these were not addressed specifically, they were referred to in a general discussion about resort spending/finances. The resort has made money the past 3 years. Operational budgets are submitted yearly and how these budgets receive the necessary funding is decided by resort owners. Some things get done, some don’t, some are in limbo. ( The APOA cannot affect an outcome on financial decisions).
  3. Marketing—James Shalman and Jonathan Finlay are responsible for marketing.( Again, APOA has no direct role to play here). Some of you are aware that Apex Resort does not appear in J.P. Squire’s outdoor articles in the Okanagan Sat. paper. There has been a disagreement between the paper and the resort and thus the resort does not submit information to this publication
  4. Ski in/out access from Creekside Crossing and around hockey rink— The resort has attempted to address this issue with Argo and Grizzley but has been unsuccessful in getting signage or plowing that does not leave gravel. ( The Board, with the leadership of Board member Phil Rathgen, will address this issue. Solution finding involving all necessary parties is in the works).

The Board identified 2 other areas it will address along with Creekside Crossing:

  1. Full recycling for all resort users—The RDOS has been contacted since they presented this proposal at the AGM last March and they are to get back to us with a plan and a timeline. We will be able to comment on the proposal and make recommendations. Of concern, of course, is fee structure of this recycling center.
  2. Resort Master Plan—The resort has been in ongoing discussions with the Penticton Indian Band and their cooperation and signing off is needed in order for resort expansion/development to occur. The Band has not been forthcoming. Discussions with the Upper and Lower Similkameen Bands are to be initiated. Until these Bands work with the resort, the resort is stymied. (The APOA Board will develop a plan to become involved in some way and it would seem a political involvement may be the most effective means. This does NOT mean aggression, meddling or demanding. It means information gathering, contacting governmental representatives, rational thought and appropriate action where APOA concerns need consideration and where APOA can input the process of community planning).


The Board (and Steve La Prairie wearing his 3 hats as APOA Board member, Apex Operations Manager and part owner) encourage ALL of you to express your various concerns to G.M. James Shalman. Write e-mails, go in and see him, let yourself be heard. Also, take a leading role and initiate solutions towards problem areas. Become a Board member, start a sub-committee and work on your particular area of interest.

You can become a Board member at the APOA AGM on March 17th., starting at 1:30 with renewal of memberships and the meeting beginning around 2 p.m. This will be held in the cafeteria or the Longshot annex. An agenda will be sent soon as well as posted on our website at

Slated to speak at the AGM is James Shalman presenting an overview of the current owners’ past, present and future at Apex and a discussion of the Resort Master Plan. Following will be a Q. and A.

Tom Siddon, Area D RDOS representative, will be introduced and available after the meeting for BRIEF individual Q and A.

A representative form the Apex Fire Brigade will give an update on their organization.


PLEASE take the time to attend your AGM. As property owners it is our best opportunity all season to share with one another and get information that affects your investment and alpine lifestyle.

On a lighter note your APOA social event this season is a dinner concert in the G.B. dining room this Sat., March 3rd featuring Valdy, whose history at Apex goes back to the early days. Concert tickets are $15 and available at the Trading Post. Dinner is 3 fixed priced selections including desert or order off the menu. The evening kicks off at 5 p.m. At time of writing there are about 25 tickets remaining.


Julia Valenti, President, APOA

 APOA MISSION STATEMENT: APOA is a registered society established to represent the interests of property owners, promoting a sustainable, attractive, successful community and fostering stewardship of Apex area resources for public enjoyment and benefit.

P.O. Box 23016

Year’s Membership–$25 per single, couple or family
Payable by cash or check made out to APOA.
Include: Name, home address, hill address, Ph. #s, e-mail

You can renew by mail but better to renew at the AGM!!

Valdy at the Gunbarrel, March 3rd

Posted by: Johnny Smoke  /  Category: Archived Posts

An Evening With Valdy

Saturday, March 3rd. 

An Evening With ValdyGunbarrel Dining Room

5 PM – Cocktails
6 PM – Dinner Service
7 PM – Concert

$15 Prepaid Concert Tickets
3 Fixed Price Dinner Selections

Ticket Sales at the Trading Post
Purchase by March 1st

Reserve a table with Sue at 250-292-8515


Partial proceeds to the APOA and the Apex Fire Brigade

For more info, contact Julia at or 250-292-8121

Regional Trails Plan Open House

Posted by: Johnny Smoke  /  Category: Archived Posts

The Regional District of Okanagan-Similkameen, in cooperation with its member municipalities, is developing a Regional Trails Master Plan (RTMP).  A Regional Trails Master Plan Committee has been created to oversee the plan. Committee members include volunteer trail maintenance groups, government agencies and other stakeholders.

Cascade Environmental Resource Group Ltd. will provide a presentation to the public at a final Open House on:

Penticton Open House

Date:           Wednesday, February 15 – 5:00 pm to 8:00 pm

Presentation: 5:30 – 6:00 p.m.

Questions: 6:00 – 6:30 p.m.

Wrap Up: 6:30 – 7:00 p.m.

Location:   Days Inn Penticton & Conference Centre

Riverside Room, 152 Riverside Drive
Penticton, BC V2A 5Y4


More info at:


Posted by: Johnny Smoke  /  Category: Archived Posts

APOA was formed in 1995 as a response to the prospect of a mine adjacent to the community. Since that time, the organization has worked on various priorities relating to property owners’ interests, including community planning, snow removal, road maintenance, environmental concerns, fire protection etc. It is a local organization which advocates for property owners, and currently has a membership of only 79 out of 400 property owners.

Does that mean that non members are 100% content with the state of affairs at Apex, or are non members simply expecting that “others are looking after the issues”?

Are you and/or your neighbors concerned about the current and future value of your property and your ongoing quality of experience at Apex?

For example, we understand that roughly 20% of properties on the mountain are now listed for sale. This reflects current economic uncertainty and is not unique to Apex. A contributing factor may also be ongoing uncertainties about future direction of the hill itself. After all, the ski hill remains the fundamental reason for the existence of the community. And it is definitely an important regional recreation and tourism asset.

So it is important that Apex continues to operate and that it remains a viable and sustainable operation. The intent of Provincial policy is to ensure this by providing Crown land for development. When land development slows, this incentive is less important.

This raises questions about the adequacy of Provincial policy to ensure sustainable operations. For example, what approaches ensure re-capitalization of capital facilities as they age? Are marketing efforts adequate? Is the Provincial policy adequately addressing market conditions and ensuring sustainability concerns?

So, should APOA press further on these issues? If so, your active interest and participation will be necessary. We all love our quiet “locals mountain” but want to see the resort and the community prosper for the families of today and the future.

More recently, APOA successfully advocated for the painting and “spruce up” of the village and lunchroom. Should we continue with this type of activity, or should we simply be a watchdog group that only springs to action when there is a larger issue such as the prospect of a nearby mine? The APOA Board requires your feedback.

Concerns have been raised regarding nearby logging operations. Should APOA take those concerns to the Ministry responsible? If so, active volunteers are needed! If you are interested in taking on a project or other responsibilities by being a Board member or liaison person to help ensure that the Apex community thrives, please contact:

Your APOA Board is a conduit, and is doing its best, but more active interest and participation is requested from the membership. We are asking that you let us know your ideas and views on what needs to be done, and also please confirm your willingness to serve as a Board member or a member of a working committee.


Posted by: Johnny Smoke  /  Category: Archived Posts

Electoral Area ‘D’ (Okanagan Falls/Kaleden/Apex/Upper Carmi)

Tuesday, February 7, 2012

Okanagan Falls School Gymnasium

Budget Meeting – 6:00 pm – 7:00 pm

Town Hall – 7:00 pm – 9:00 pm

Area “D” Director Siddon invites you to an information session to share your thoughts and ideas, discuss current issues and speak to Regional District of Okanagan-Similkameen Managers.

  • What services do I get from the Regional District for my property taxes?
  • What influence can I have, as a taxpayer, in determining the planning and priorities of the Regional District Board?


Come to the public meeting to find out.  The RDOS Finance staff will be available from 6:00 -7:00 p.m.  to present the financial plan and answer questions.


For more information, contact

Director Siddon at 250-809-2548


December 2011 Update

Posted by: Johnny Smoke  /  Category: Archived Posts

Your Board had a meeting Dec. 6th. and are setting a strategy to be more cognizant of hill direction and development and input our concerns as necessary. We have opened some doors with the Ministry of Forestry, Lands and Natural Resources as that Ministry in regards to Apex’s All Season’s Resort Policy. We are taking a bit of a watchdog approach and feel as an Association it may be necessary to have more involvement with what is and isn’t being implemented . We are encouraged to see new ownership of some of our hill businesses and encouraged by the enthusiastic vibe at the opening of the season from management, businesses and lift ticket holders. However, there ARE concerns that we intend to keep an eye on and be proactive as required as we get into the 2012 season. You will be kept informed and there may be a call for volunteers from time to time. Don’t let this scare you—no pressure!

On another note, the Board HAS realized 2 small projects:

  1. Our Happy 50th. Apex banner has been hung by Maintenance Foreman Yves on the uprights outside of the Gunbarrel at the stairs facing the Okanagan run. It will remain there for the duration of the season.
  2. We have implemented the painting of the picnic tables and the hanging of posters in the Lunch Room, again by Yves and his crew. This is scheduled to be done between now and the Christmas rush. The room is dismal and we saw a need for a better brownbag lunch experience for users. Thanks go to James Shalman and Steve LaPrairie for agreeing to get this done.

A very happy holiday season to you all and I hope to meet many of you on the hill in 2012. We are off this morning to Palm Springs so will miss the festivities here through-out the next few weeks. Thank-you for supporting our efforts with your membership and talk to your friends who are not members and encourage them to join, either through our website, apexpoa@ or by picking up a membership form which have been distributed around various counters in the village (they are yellow). WE DO HAVE A VOICE AND WE INTEND TO BE HEARD.


Julia Valenti—President—Apex Property Owners Association