Regional Trails Plan Open House

Posted by: Johnny Smoke  /  Category: Archived Posts

The Regional District of Okanagan-Similkameen, in cooperation with its member municipalities, is developing a Regional Trails Master Plan (RTMP).  A Regional Trails Master Plan Committee has been created to oversee the plan. Committee members include volunteer trail maintenance groups, government agencies and other stakeholders.

Cascade Environmental Resource Group Ltd. will provide a presentation to the public at a final Open House on:

Penticton Open House

Date:           Wednesday, February 15 – 5:00 pm to 8:00 pm

Presentation: 5:30 – 6:00 p.m.

Questions: 6:00 – 6:30 p.m.

Wrap Up: 6:30 – 7:00 p.m.

Location:   Days Inn Penticton & Conference Centre

Riverside Room, 152 Riverside Drive
Penticton, BC V2A 5Y4


More info at:


Posted by: Johnny Smoke  /  Category: Archived Posts

APOA was formed in 1995 as a response to the prospect of a mine adjacent to the community. Since that time, the organization has worked on various priorities relating to property owners’ interests, including community planning, snow removal, road maintenance, environmental concerns, fire protection etc. It is a local organization which advocates for property owners, and currently has a membership of only 79 out of 400 property owners.

Does that mean that non members are 100% content with the state of affairs at Apex, or are non members simply expecting that “others are looking after the issues”?

Are you and/or your neighbors concerned about the current and future value of your property and your ongoing quality of experience at Apex?

For example, we understand that roughly 20% of properties on the mountain are now listed for sale. This reflects current economic uncertainty and is not unique to Apex. A contributing factor may also be ongoing uncertainties about future direction of the hill itself. After all, the ski hill remains the fundamental reason for the existence of the community. And it is definitely an important regional recreation and tourism asset.

So it is important that Apex continues to operate and that it remains a viable and sustainable operation. The intent of Provincial policy is to ensure this by providing Crown land for development. When land development slows, this incentive is less important.

This raises questions about the adequacy of Provincial policy to ensure sustainable operations. For example, what approaches ensure re-capitalization of capital facilities as they age? Are marketing efforts adequate? Is the Provincial policy adequately addressing market conditions and ensuring sustainability concerns?

So, should APOA press further on these issues? If so, your active interest and participation will be necessary. We all love our quiet “locals mountain” but want to see the resort and the community prosper for the families of today and the future.

More recently, APOA successfully advocated for the painting and “spruce up” of the village and lunchroom. Should we continue with this type of activity, or should we simply be a watchdog group that only springs to action when there is a larger issue such as the prospect of a nearby mine? The APOA Board requires your feedback.

Concerns have been raised regarding nearby logging operations. Should APOA take those concerns to the Ministry responsible? If so, active volunteers are needed! If you are interested in taking on a project or other responsibilities by being a Board member or liaison person to help ensure that the Apex community thrives, please contact:

Your APOA Board is a conduit, and is doing its best, but more active interest and participation is requested from the membership. We are asking that you let us know your ideas and views on what needs to be done, and also please confirm your willingness to serve as a Board member or a member of a working committee.


Posted by: Johnny Smoke  /  Category: Archived Posts

Electoral Area ‘D’ (Okanagan Falls/Kaleden/Apex/Upper Carmi)

Tuesday, February 7, 2012

Okanagan Falls School Gymnasium

Budget Meeting – 6:00 pm – 7:00 pm

Town Hall – 7:00 pm – 9:00 pm

Area “D” Director Siddon invites you to an information session to share your thoughts and ideas, discuss current issues and speak to Regional District of Okanagan-Similkameen Managers.

  • What services do I get from the Regional District for my property taxes?
  • What influence can I have, as a taxpayer, in determining the planning and priorities of the Regional District Board?


Come to the public meeting to find out.  The RDOS Finance staff will be available from 6:00 -7:00 p.m.  to present the financial plan and answer questions.


For more information, contact

Director Siddon at 250-809-2548


December 2011 Update

Posted by: Johnny Smoke  /  Category: Archived Posts

Your Board had a meeting Dec. 6th. and are setting a strategy to be more cognizant of hill direction and development and input our concerns as necessary. We have opened some doors with the Ministry of Forestry, Lands and Natural Resources as that Ministry in regards to Apex’s All Season’s Resort Policy. We are taking a bit of a watchdog approach and feel as an Association it may be necessary to have more involvement with what is and isn’t being implemented . We are encouraged to see new ownership of some of our hill businesses and encouraged by the enthusiastic vibe at the opening of the season from management, businesses and lift ticket holders. However, there ARE concerns that we intend to keep an eye on and be proactive as required as we get into the 2012 season. You will be kept informed and there may be a call for volunteers from time to time. Don’t let this scare you—no pressure!

On another note, the Board HAS realized 2 small projects:

  1. Our Happy 50th. Apex banner has been hung by Maintenance Foreman Yves on the uprights outside of the Gunbarrel at the stairs facing the Okanagan run. It will remain there for the duration of the season.
  2. We have implemented the painting of the picnic tables and the hanging of posters in the Lunch Room, again by Yves and his crew. This is scheduled to be done between now and the Christmas rush. The room is dismal and we saw a need for a better brownbag lunch experience for users. Thanks go to James Shalman and Steve LaPrairie for agreeing to get this done.

A very happy holiday season to you all and I hope to meet many of you on the hill in 2012. We are off this morning to Palm Springs so will miss the festivities here through-out the next few weeks. Thank-you for supporting our efforts with your membership and talk to your friends who are not members and encourage them to join, either through our website, apexpoa@ or by picking up a membership form which have been distributed around various counters in the village (they are yellow). WE DO HAVE A VOICE AND WE INTEND TO BE HEARD.


Julia Valenti—President—Apex Property Owners Association

Support the APOA

Posted by: Johnny Smoke  /  Category: Archived Posts

This letter is to encourage your support in building the membership of the Apex Property Owners Association by joining as an APOA member  and also promoting membership to other owner friends and strata members.

The APOA is an important voice in representing our community interests with the resort, the RDOS, Highways, and other provincial government ministries who interface with Apex and its surrounding area.  Your input as property owners is essential in determining development, growth and sustainability of our natural environment and recreational pursuits, fire protection, security, and infrastructure maintenance.  The APOA has been actively involved in providing this valuable input since it was formed in 1995.

For the small fee of $25, you can add your voice to the future of Apex and our wonderful alpine community.  You can also stay informed on
upcoming activities and events through our newsletter and website.

Please share the attached APOA membership application with other property owners.  Memberships can be sent in by mail or done online at * In the interest of  better communication with all property owners we would like to contact strata presidents directly about events and presentations of interest to our community. Please email contact information to

We are all looking forward to a great upcoming ski season as well as the celebration of Apex’s 50th Anniversary. Thank you in advance for sharing this information.

The APOA executive

Newsletter – November 2011

Posted by: Johnny Smoke  /  Category: Archived Posts

Greetings All,

Your Board has met twice since the A.G.M. in March on the hill—July 10th and Oct. 18th. You received the first newsletter in May. The Board has had a lot to do and/ or discuss. Read on!

Village Clean-up, Sat. July 10th

Thank you to Michael and Jen from the Trading Post who organized the clean-up and provided hot dogs and fixings for the volunteer crew. They also supplied copious black garbage bags for the copious trash that was EVERYWHERE! Thanks also to those that took time on a sunny summer Sat. in July to help out.

Clean-up crew members were:

Michael and Jen and daughter Julia
Loraine Stephanson
Barry Leigh
Bill and Doreen Bobbitt

Russell Raynier
Bob Thompson
John and Carollyne Lansel
Rick and Julia Valenti

Recycling at Apex

Cameron Baughen , Solid Waste Management Coordinator for the RDOS has informed the Board about the status of this project when we asked him for an update in mid Oct.

  1.  The site has been surveyed.
  2. The RDOS questionaires about recycling that many of us filled out and submitted were helpful to Cameron and his team and some suggestions will be looked at for incorporation.
  3. The RDOS is waiting for the Solid Waste Management Plan to be adopted by the Province. After adoption, the RDOS Board of Directors would assign staff and set up a budget for the project. At that time, we will get information about cost of construction and the pay plan/how it affects us as property owners. It would seem at that stage that we, as property owners can again input our ideas/concerns about how the transfer station is funded.
  4. Earliest time for construction will be summer of 2012.

Okanagan Vista Trail Work

Denis O’Gorman and his intrepid crew put in a few weeks of hard labor over the late summer cutting, clearing and signing trails around Nickel Plate Lake, Vista and environs. Some deep rut damage by vehicles in Nickel Plate Park was discovered and damage of this sort, when noticed, can be reported to Randall Kohlhauser, local compliance officer at 250-490-2278.

Tramping in and marking of snowshoe trails this winter is encouraged.

Anyone willing to help with this ongoing trail work can contact Denis at

Weyerhaeuser Forest Harvest

There has been an increase of Mtn. Pine Beetle populations east of the Similkameen River and harvest plans are predominantly in the Winters Creek and Strayhorse Rd. areas. Road construction has been taking place and harvesting is scheduled for summer of 2012. In addition, wood lot license lands immediately north of Nickel Plate Nordic Centre are also to be harvested and snowshoe trails to be relocated. The Board is to remain vigilant in regards to harvesting, especially in the area of motorized recreation management post harvest forest plantations. Thank you Denis O’Gorman for bringing this harvesting information to the Board’s attention.

Apex Ski Club Awards

Jorgen Anderson—Kinder Coach of the year

Club B.C. Alpine Club Development of the Year Award
Okanagan Zone win on the strength of win placements by Apex Ski Club members ages 11-15

Apex 50th. Anniversary

Time to purchase your tickets for the celebration at the Trade and Convention Centre for Jan. 13th, 2012. Check out the Apex Resort website for info. At the time of this newsletter, it is not known what is happening on the hill for a celebration the actual date of the 50th, the weekend of Dec. 9-11, 2011. APOA will have a banner in the Village proclaiming “Honoring Our Past, Celebrating Our Future”.


You all received in your water bill a letter from the Board and a membership form. Please take the letter to heart and do your part in helping us build our membership. There is always a lot going on in the Alpine that needs input and the many voices of the many property owners help protect, preserve and sustain the natural environment and recreational pursuits we all enjoy. You own property in the Alpine and your property values are always impacted by what goes on up here. Our voice as property owners is our strength and the more voices, the easier to hear us when we wail!

Some things in the Village

Stan Duckworth from Fort Langley Camping is the new owner of the hostel which will again be operated as a hostel as well as staff accomodation. He is also involved in the Apex Mtn. Inn and has some great ideas for family and adult activities and entertainments for this season.

The Tempest Room is now the Rock Oven Bar and Grill with Chef Aaron from The Penticton Sage and Vine working magic in the back end kitchen space and Dick Ante working magic in the front end public space.



Our next Board meeting is either in Dec. or the first part of the new year.   Next newsletter when there is something newsworthy!

See you on the hill…

Julia V.

May News

Posted by: Johnny Smoke  /  Category: Archived Posts

Some information from your President to all APOA members:

If you haven’t been to the hill since the official season ended, you have not experienced the relentless snowfalls all of April and into May. Those that bootpack or hitch a ride on a machine up to the top have reported phenomenal conditions, especially in the trees with waist deep powder. Yesterday’s snowstorm put more fresh down but today’s sun may make quick work of it! The creeks are running but there is still one heck of a lot of snow to melt yet.

Your Board does not have any pressing business to take care of but we are in place as a working body should issues need addressing from a property owners standpoint. Following are issues we are monitoring:

The Riordan Mine appears to be on hold—no information has come back to us when we requested an update from Crystal Peaks Abrasives.

The RDOS is proposing full recycling on the hill and wants your input. Pick up a survey at their office at 101 Martin St. or fill it out on their website and let them know your thoughts. It has to be funded by property owners so your opinion is important to give them direction.

APOA will be involved in some manner with the hill’s 50th. Anniversary the weekend of Dec. 9th. when planned family activities will be offered in and around the village. One thing we are doing is hanging a big APOA banner in the village saying “ CELEBRATING THE PAST, PROTECTING THE FUTURE”. Any ideas you have for fun for this weekend are welcome. E-mail them to and the Board will consider them. Also note that a Penticton dinner gala is planned for Jan. 13th. 2012 at the Trade and Convention Centre in celebration of the 50th.

We now have 60 members-thanks to all of you as newbies and as returnees. Please talk to your hill neighbors upon start of the next ski season and encourage their membership too.

The Board will be meeting 4 times a year, our year being March to March. Next meeting is July 10th. You will receive an update on what we are up to after that.

Until then, enjoy the sun, surf and turf.

Julia Valenti

APOA 2011 Annual General Meeting, March 19

Posted by: Johnny Smoke  /  Category: Archived Posts

Apex Property Owners Association AGM is Scheduled for Saturday, March 19th, 2011 at the Longshot Bar & Grill, Apex Resort. Registration at 2:00 with Call to Order at 2:30.
(Only paid members are eligible to vote at the AGM)
1.     Call to order and introductions (2:30)
2.     Approval of  March 13, 2010 minutes
3.     Approval of agenda
4.     Committee Reports (2:50)
  (a)  Executive (President & Treasurer)
(b)  Membership (Director, Phil Rathjen)
(c)  Board Development (Jane Drapeau)
(d)  Communications (Director, Julia Valenti)
(e)  Social (Director, Julia Valenti)
f.   Environment/Resource Management (Director, Denis O’Gorman)
g.     Highways/roads (Director, Phyllis
h.     Ad Hoc: Community Policing (Director, Barry Clark)
5.     Election of Directors (3:15)
6.         Apex 50th Anniversay (Peter Ord,Penticton Museum) (3:30)
7.         Apex Mountain Report & questions (3:50)
8.         Other business
 Adjourn at approximately 4:00

Get Ready For Fire Season

Posted by: Johnny Smoke  /  Category: Archived Posts

Gary Vollet has asked to remind you all that fire season is here early this year, and to properly prepare your cabin for the summer.  The prediction for this summer is for conditions similar to 2003, and for those of you who forgot about that year, it was the most devastating wildfire season on record, especially in the Okanagan.

Read more…

Proposed Mine Info

Posted by: Johnny Smoke  /  Category: Archived Posts, Mt. Riordan Mining

The proposal  to mine garnet on Mt. Riordan has surfaced again after several years.  As information becomes available, we will be posting it up here for you to see.  Read more…