President’s Report – APOA A.G.M. Mar. 17th. 2012
Posted by: Johnny Smoke / Category: Archived PostsYour Executive Board had a good season of productive meetings, most of them focused on how and in what areas of alpine lifestyle the Association can be most effective. Each year the Board’s modus operandi changes because new board members arrive and executive positions are shifted around. We set out at the beginning to find a way to be as effective as possible and I feel we accomplished that. Long time Board members are still serving— Phyllis Matthews remained our Argo roads rep., Phil Rathjen our membership coordinator, Suzie Anderson our efficient secretary, Steve La Prairie our valuable contact for Apex Resort viewpoints and information and Jane Drapeau our membership form printer and meeting focuser who keeps us on topic. I started the President’s newsletters this year. Newcomer Barry Leigh has kept up our membership lists and took on the position of Treasurer. Newcomer Geri Sobool has not yet had a chance to contribute because her husband Walter keeps making her take trips to California, the Southwest and Florida but we intend to put a stop to that next season and put her to work on Board business rather than continual Happy Hours.
We identified the 3 areas we want to focus on for next season: safety and crossing improvements to ski in/ski out Creekside Crossing, a comprehensive hill recycling service and inputting the Apex Resort Master Plan. We have encouraged Association members via the newsletters to get involved finding solutions to their various concerns by speaking to hill management and/or forming a committee to get done what they think needs getting done. For example, one area the Board identified this year as an area that needed attention were the picnic tables in the lunchroom. We brought it up at a board meeting to Steve LaPrairie that we would like to see them refurbished with fresh paint and a follow-up e-mail to Steve and James got the job done before the Christmas holiday season, including some artwork hung on the walls.
We produced one social event, the Valdy Concert March 3rd. A terrific dinner was offered by the Gunbarrel at great prices, Valdy put on an energetic, very entertaining show and the 110 attendees all had a fabulous time. Valdy generously donated money back to the APOA ( $260) and he also donated just about as much to the Fire Brigade. This once a year concert seems to be a good idea for us to take on and will be discussed with the new Executive. Teaming up with the Fire Brigade seems a good idea too.
We thank John Matthews for keeping our website current and more tweaking will be done to that to make it more comprehensive and user friendly.
Myleen Mallach has asked that I announce that Apex Matters will be back next season. She took this season off to spend more time with her family on the slopes but has recharged and is excited about coming back as our hill reporter. I for one sure missed her informative paper that kept us all in the loop of alpine happenings and look forward to reading it again through-out 2012/2013.
Your Board has made definitive organizational improvements this year and all of us are putting our helmets in the ring to serve another term. We welcome any of you to throw your helmet in the ring too when we have the election later on in this meeting.
Thank you to the Board members I have enjoyed serving with over the past 4 yrs. and thank you to Apex Mt. Resort for what it does to give us fab skiing with great grooming, the equipment maintainance , competent staff and continuing to upkeep the village . As a board member, I anticipate further effective board collaboration with management that will continue to improve our amenities and enjoyment of this unique alpine lifestyle we are all so fortunate to experience. Julia Valenti