Notice to Owners-Vandalism and Insurance

Posted by: Johnny Smoke  /  Category: Archived Posts
Once again the security of Apex has been jeopardized during the fall season. We had one truck and two motorcycles stolen from apex this fall, while some other vehicles were broken in to, in an attempt to steal them. This past weekend, a cabin in the circle was broken into. The people who broke into the cabin stole some ski suits, but mostly destroyed the interior of the cabin. Knives slashed couches, lamps broken, wood paneling broken, appliances banged up. The RCMP came up and managed to obtain some hopefully useful finger prints, but one important item came to light in regards to insurance. Many properties have contents insurance, however many do not have vandalism insurance. Check yours today! There have been high school parties at cabins lately, leaving groups of completely unsupervised kids to roam around a very unsecured area with vacant cabins and homes, and, as we all know, no police. There may have been more damage to cabins that we do not know about yet. Please pass this info onto everyone to check their insurance, check their cabin and please try to keep an eye on your neighbour’s cabins. Thank you

Submitted by Barb Davis

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