1417 Apex Mt. Rd. (Valenti’s) 4 p.m.
1. Call to order
2 .Review/adopt minutes of last meeting
3. Additions to agenda
4. Treasurer’s report—Barry L.
5. Argo report—Phyllis M. (snow left on rd. at Creekview Crossing
6. Membership Report—Phil R. (brochure reprint/counter brochure holders in village)
7. Jane’s letter to Joan E. about storage bins on properties
8. Herald publicity for Apex report—Geri S.
9. APOA articles in Apex Matters—Julia V.
10. Weyerhauser meeting/RDOS trails report—Barry L., Denis O’Gorman, Jeff Brown
11. Weyerhauser reps, RDOS trail reps presentation to APOA membership:
A. Feb. 9th. out—this is Apex Ski Club fundraiser date
B. Mar. 9th. tie-in to a planned social event on the hill being initiated by the Gunbarrel
C. At our A G M Mar. 23rd.
12. Discussion—who is running again for Board/how to get new blood
13. Adjourn for potluck