Apex Master Planning Update
Our last newsletter discussed the efforts of Apex Mountain Resort (AMR) and the Province to further consult with the Penticton Indian Band (PIB). The goal is to work towards an “accommodation agreement” with the Band which responds to the interests of the Band.
In December, APOA was advised that various possible development scenarios identified by the consultant had been presented to the PIB. They asked AMR to identify their preferred scenario or option. Any ski area plan is intended to balance lift capacities, accommodation capacity and new development. The intent is that revenues from new development will support investments in new lifts.
Once again, AMR has agreed to attend out AGM (see details below) and provide an update.
Denis O’Gorman
Forest Harvest Planning
Through late November notification, both Weyerhaeuser and Gorman Brothers, the principal forest operators around Apex, called for public comment on their amended Forest Stewardship Plans (FSP’s).
Amendments are proceeding because government directed in January 2007 that a set of objectives laid out in the Okanagan Shuswap LRMP (Land and Resource Management Plan) be built into the FSP’s which forest licensees must prepare. These new objectives cover a range of important topics including wildlife, biodiversity, riparian areas, cultural heritage, recreation areas, regionally significant trails and scenic areas. FSP’s must lay out strategies to achieve these objectives. For example, strategies spell out provisions for consulting with recreational user groups prior to forest road construction or harvesting. Note the FSP’s also outline the companies’ proposals regarding beetle attack areas.
To see APOA’s response to these draft FSP’s, please go to our website at:
Denis O’Gorman
Community Wildfire Protection
A conversation with RDOS Emergency Services Manager, Mark Woods, resulted in some disappointment. Turn-over and other capacity problems at RDOS have resulted in delays in applying for provincial funding that would pay for the necessary “operational planning”.
Mark’s hope is to still secure a skilled and experienced individual to lead this exercise. This will obviously entail a considerable amount of coordination with the forest operators in the area (Weyerhaeuser and Gorman Brothers) as well as the Forest Service. As well, APOA has stressed the importance of close liaison with APOA and other reps to ensure community values and concerns are properly taken into account.
Denis O’Gorman
APOA Annual General Meeting
Saturday, March 15, 2008
Longshot Cafeteria
Apex Mountain Resort
2:00 PM
Registration and collection of membership dues
($25 cash or cheque)
2:20 PM – 5:00 PM
Meeting Agenda:
- President’s Report
- Treasurer’s Report
- Committee Reports
- Proposed bylaw amendment
- Election of Directors
- RDOS Report by:
Area Chair Bill Schwarz - Apex Mountain Report by:
CEO Louise Burgart
GM James Shalman
Okanagan Vista Trails
Last March, a workshop was sponsored by the Ministry of Tourism, Sport and the Arts (MTSA) to start the process of addressing conflicts over winter use in this area, described as the “Apex Intensive Recreation RMZ (or Resource Management Zone).”
MTSA assumed responsibility for Recreation Sites and Trails from the Ministry of Forests who, with the Penticton Outdoor Club, initially developed the Okanagan Vista Cross Country ski trail system. The club, partly related to Government’s policy respecting insurance, has withdrawn from an active role in the area.
Meanwhile its accessibility has led to growing use and related to that, growing conflicts between skiing and snowmobiling. While the 2007 meeting led to acceptance of the trails map from the 1995 protocol as a starting point for confirming designations, the agreed follow-up meeting to work on outstanding issues, implementation measures, and a recommended statement on the future management of the area has yet to be convened.
Such a meeting is being actively encouraged to address conflicts the LRMP (2001) clearly identified, and which, in the absence of action, continue to grow.
Denis O’Gorman
Apex Fire Brigade Society
Saturday, March 15th at 6pm
at the Gunbarrel
Dinner, Dancing, Live & Silent Auctions
Magic Tricks, and VALDY IN CONCERT!
Reserve your tickets
at Double Diamond Hostel – 292-8256
(Limited number of tickets available.)
Apex Volunteer Fire Brigade
Your Fire Brigade Society has been hard at work:
- Fire boxes are now installed and equipped throughout the village. This will allow the brigade to quickly get fire hoses to almost every building in the village.
- Calling 911 now generates a call to the top tier of the brigade’s call-out phone tree (see below).
- The society’s fundraiser, The Fireman’s Ball will be held the evening of the APOA AGM – Saturday, March 15.
Jeff Brown
Fire Emergency Phone Tree
For police emergencies, call 911. Volunteers have no policing authority.
For medical emergencies, call 911. The Fire Brigade is not equipped to respond to medical emergencies. You should also call the Apex Resort office at (250) 292-8222. They will contact the local Ski Patrol.
In case of fire, call 911 from a safe location. However, you should also keep the full list of volunteers with you. 911 operators will only contact the top tier of the phone tree. In the offseason, this may not be sufficient! You should keep phoning volunteers until you talk to someone who is on the mountain and able to respond. The volunteer will then continue working the phone tree to contact as many volunteers as are available to respond.
In case of fire, start calling phone numbers in the following order. Once you have contacted a volunteer they will organize the phone calls to alert all volunteers. All numbers are area code (250).
- Bob Thompson 292-8399 (fire chief)
- Apex Resort 292-8222 (business hours)
- Steve LaPrairie 292-8536 (h), 490-7869 (m)
- Gary Vollet 292-8257
- Steve Sheridan 770-0158 (m)
- John Davis 292-8118 (h), 490-7952 (m)
- Dave Anderson 292-8752
- Rick Felker 292-8135
Other Emergency Numbers:
- Forest Fire 1-800-663-5555
- Fortis (electricity) 1-800-769-3766