Fall 2012 APOA Newsletter

Posted by: Johnny Smoke  /  Category: Archived Posts

Greetings All,

It is an appropriate day to be writing the first newsletter of the 2012/13 season as it is snowing here on the Mt.!

Your Board met in July and again September and there is some news to report. In no particular order:

  1. The diligent work of Board members Geri Sobool and Phil Rathjen has resulted in victory! There will be skier crossing signs put up at the Creekside Crossing to warn cars that skiers are indeed coming off the hill below the condos and will be crossing the road on the way to the village. A few months to get this finalized but finally the Resort will be purchasing the signs as well as installing them. There had been Board concerns around the lack of safety at the crossing. We trust these signs will alleviate the possibility of an accident between vehicles and skiers.
  2. A tip given to the Board that recycling bins are going in soon. No details at this time but this will be researched.
  3. Apex Matters is thankfully returning as our mountain press. Board members will be writing articles for each issue. Phyllis Matthews is first out of the gate with an article about road maintenance by Argo.
  4. A new APOA brochure is in the works and a door to door walk-about to distribute them and garner new and renewed memberships will take place between Dec. 22 and Jan 1st. The brochure will also be distributed with the upcoming Nov. water bill.
  5. A new water system is being installed for the Circle. Note: Shawn Witte from Apex Operations attended our Sept. Board meeting and, among other things, told us that the water is tested every month through-out the year and every week during ski season.
  6. Lack of press in J.P. Squire’s weekend outdoors column in the local paper has prompted the Board to inquire why and to request press. After no success garnering coverage from a meeting with Andre Martin, publisher of the Herald and G.M. James Shalman stating there have been challenges working with the paper, Geri Sobool has now written directly to J.P. Squire. We await a reply.
  7. A loo at the Triple was very close to fruition this year but with the departure of Steve LaPrairie and management reassignments taking precedent, the loo is, once again, “ a consideration for next year “.
  8. The resort sign at the ranch is to be repaired this year with a replacement next year.
  9. The barn property has been rezoned from RA to RMU.
  10. The Ministry’s logging is finished for this year and the slash is being cleaned up. The next logging phase will include Rock Oven, Okanagan Vista and behind the Circle. The Balsam trees are being attacked by a virus and pine beetle kill continues. Dangerous trees have been removed around the runs and there has been considerable brush clearing.
  11. New competitions have been added to the season—a K1, a Freestyle and a Noram in Feb..
  12. 4 snowguns have been retired and 2 new ones purchased.
  13. Village businesses updates have been reported in the Apex season pass brochure. We trust that, indeed, the restaurants and ski shop will be well run and offer us some great food, ambiance, products and value.
  14. An APOA membership social is being planned for Sat. Dec. 15th. which will be a village crawl to our restaurants with appie and drink specials. An invitiation will be sent with details as soon as the details are finalized. There is a possibility, as well, of an after crawl house party.

Until next time, adios for now.

Julia Valenti,
Pres.,  APOA

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