The APOA AGM was held on Feb. 12/05 in the Apex Mountain Inn. The meeting room was standing room only. There were written reports from all committees for the reading pleasure of those in attendance. We also had Bill Schwarz available to speak to various issues. Jeff Plant spoke on behalf of Apex Mountain. Barb Davis was able to keep the meeting to the time lines set out in the agenda. Brian Dorward spoke re:fire protection issue. We will keep you posted as to when a referendum will be held on this. Cindi Lou Baker spoke to upcoming social events on the mountain. There are still unclaimed prizes from the earlybird draw held at the social in Jan. Another pertinent issue raised from the floor is the “ski-in=ski=out” access to the proerties served by the Strayhorse Trail, in this case, specifically the Creekview Court Strata Properties. A solution is being sought that will be acceptable to those affected. The meeting was adjourned at 5pm.