A Fresh Start for the APOA

Posted by: Johnny Smoke  /  Category: Archived Posts

Hi everybody! It is a beautiful day on the mountain! The sun is shining today but the temps remain cold. It’s been snowing fairly consistently all week. Can’t help but feel excited about the fast approaching ski season! The hill looks amazing!!

The Apex Property Owner’s Association continues to work actively on your behalf. The next newsletter is currently being worked on to keep you up to date on what is happening with the various issues affecting us. These include the Official Community Plan, the Fire Dept. Feasibility study results, the logging in the Nickleplate/Okanagan Vista areas, upcoming social events and more. We are also looking at improving our information available to you on this Web Link. Please accept my apology for the lack of current info on this site so far. It has and will be a work in progress. We do have big plans to make this a more user friendly site.

There have been some changes in the executive of APOA, with myself stepping down as President, as my other committments in life became too consuming. Barb Davis has succumbed to our begging and agreed to be our President. She will be great as she has vast experience with boards and committees and the RDOS. I will be giving more attention to the Social and Communication aspects of the APOA.
Toni Clarke has become our secretary and is busy instilling order and organization like this board has never seen before! Things are looking up!

I’ll sign off for today, but will endeavor to keep you better informed! Thanks for your support! Pray for snow, see you soon!

Cindi Lou Baker

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